Saturday, January 30, 2010

Life as it is!!!

They say that, approximately 5 babies are born in every 3 seconds, throughout the world around.Everytime a child is born, a lifetime of expectations start too. Sometimes as a toddler going to school, or a young lad or a lass setting out to high school or perhaps an young professional or someone on the threshold of marriage, as young parents or even elderly citizens to the world. All people have from each other is a never ending saga of expectations, sometimes told and certain times untold!

One grows up with the moral code to be earnest, righteous and uphold the values that people preceding your life pass on as heirlooms, which one needs to treasure and cherish. All our life is spent on struggling to keep them up, maintain and nurture these values in one way or the other. Start to finish, a paced up-raced up tussle of mind, body and soul.

But amidst all this, have we ever pondered or even wondered, that what really happens when that moment comes, where we say our loved ones the final goodbye?

Some say our soul travels to meet and unify with that Almighty, wandering through various stages and phases. Some postulate that it gets ready for another birth somewhere, unknown, unheard or perhaps unseen too. There again, there are believers of the school of thought that our body perishes into the very basic five elements, the Wind, the Earth, the Water, the Fire and the Space: just as any living entity does, who has taken birth into this world. One who has taken birth has to perish.

Different people bred with varied thought processes and dispositions. But then what really happens when one nears the end??Slipping away, lying helpless, waiting for that white light to appear, I wonder what really goes on in anyone’s mind.

Resting on that hospital bed, now almost synonymous with the death defining moment, with veins and bloodstreams stained with drips and fluids of various composition, and the only predominant sound being that of one’s own heartbeat, constantly being monitored ,..Beep....beep ....beep beep.....beep!!

What or rather how was the life I lived?

As one closes their eyes, their entire life runs through, just like a black and white film reel...reverting, playing the “flashback”!!

Flashback into those moments that have been covered heavily by the soot of time. Those special yet very mundane moments ....that first hug from”Mama”,the first day at school,....the way Mama used to cook,....that first crush,...the first heartbreak,...the first time when you looked at our own child!!....story telling our entire lives in front of our a flash, and probably that is when we realise the importance of those silly yet life-changing moments that we never even thought needed a glance ,actually, in reality they are the ones, that have made us whatever or who-so-ever we are.

Strange but they say that the people that make the most difference to your life are the ones most forgotten. It surely holds true as we hardly remember people or places or even moments that or rather which, shape us. Instead we spend an entire lifetime trying to attend to needs that are actually not needed. We are constantly engaged in tiffs with people or circumstances on trivial Why is some friend not talking to us,why is my teacher not giving me good grades,...why am I not the most popular person in college,...why is my boss not appreciating me,..Why is some other person doing better than me.....why this and why that. But why is it that we forget our mothers smile...because that is what made us feel warm and comforted, when we were scared as kids or why do we forget how our dads’ used to hold our hands and taught us to take our first step...with which we scale heights....or why do we forget that coy friend, who always wiped our tears, that , we took for granted, or..That husband or that wife who sat up and waited for us at dinner whenever we were late or...why do we never remember our sons or daughters talking ,babling...sharing their thoughts as time never seems important for such dim musings.

In reality, these and such similar moments are the ones that silhouette “life”. Life is not living for important moments, but I guess making each moment important, so that when death drops by, and comes looking for us...we can look into his eyes and say... “Yes have lived a bona fide and rewarding life”.

1 comment:

  1. Quite true, but then what exactly is life. Is it about living peacefully, successfully or is it about living happily.

    In my opinion (not necessarily to be agreed by others)life is a mix of all the above + the pain and anguish which follows when the above 3 is not attained.
    But the above 3 + 1 are the preconditions that are necessary to fulfill the duty for which we are born. The very purpose of our existence is forgotten when people get intoxicated in the run for '3' prizes mentioned above.

    I feel service to god is all about service to good people around and to the planet is we all live in. This is the pupose for which we all are born for.

    Parenting is no different, its also a service to god. I say this because the parents are responsible for bringing in a bright new generation which has to carry on the legacy ahead.

    Many times we forget all this and keep running after a mirage, because we are after all human beings.. To err is Human..:)
